
A Walk into Lipnica Wielka's Past


Lipnica Wielka

Quest description:

Theme: walking along the Quest trail, you will learn about locations associated with eminent persons significant to our village’s history, and discover monument landmarks.

Where it is: you are now in the centre of Lipnica Wielka, a village located in the Polish-Slovak borderland, in Upper Orava (Orawa the traditional Polish spelling). The village stretches along Lipniczanka Brook, from Lake Orawskie to the foot of Mount Babia, on county road No. DP 1676K.

How to play and find the Quest Treasure: on your walk, look for answers to rhyming riddles – they are the source of letters you will need to complete the password, which points to the Treasure location.

Expedition start line: the walk begins at the Community Centre (Lipnica Wielka No. 521) dating back to the 1st half of the 20th century, located next to the Municipal Authority seat. GPS co-ordinates: 49.49646N 19.61726E

Quest keeper: Gminne Centrum Kultury w Lipnicy Wielkiej, tel. 18 26 346 38, e-mail: gcksit@vp.pl

Walking time 60 min

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